
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Footprint Chili Peppers!

Spicy Cinco de Mayo Chili Pepper Footprints!

Don't underestimate how fun it is to paint your feet. This project was a hit with my 8 month old who thought the ticklish paint brush on his feet was funny! Again, great way to celebrate with the 0-3 year old crowd!

The peppers were easy enough to paint. Toes green, feet red. Paint on green stem to finish. Ta-da! Our prints were a bit haphazard on the page, so I cut them out and punched a hole for some string.


  1. What a great idea! We will have to do this one next year :)

  2. Ethan's daycare actually used my idea for the peppers as one of their class activities. It was sooo cute to see all the little peppers when they were done!

  3. We made a footprint chili pepper today! Thanks for the idea!!!

    BTW- you are more than welcome to share any of your handprint craft links on our Facebook page anytime :)

  4. Thanks for the link-back and letting me see your awesome chili pepper--it's so fun and joyful! What a great interpretation!
