
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bold Flora Living Room Accents

I'm not an interior designer by any stretch of the imagination. I have an eye for color, but I have the absolute worst time picking a theme or color pallet and sticking with it. I get very distracted, especially if something shiny catches my eye!

I decided that this time around I would create a mood board for my living room area. I also knew that I was sticking with our blue upholstery and some burgundy and gold curtains (I've got a budget folks!). And that our living room's accent wall is brick with a black pellet stove. 

I started by shopping for a pillow as a bit of an inspiration piece. I found a marbled pillow at Target that seemed like a great starting point and I built a mood board from there. It's really something that I'm working on with all my design work, so it's a good way to practice in a real application. (See- these graphics classes are starting to pay off!)

This is my first real mood board, but I'm really happy with how it's shaping up. With this project I'm also trying to focus on being bolder and brighter with my accent colors. It's a bit outside the box from my norm, but still very me. 

I'm going to use all these pieces in our space, with the exception of the coral. Instead, I'm going to use some coral we picked up in the Bahamas last month (what fate!). Otherwise, I may have spray painted some aquarium coral to achieve the same look! 

Looking forward to seeing how it all comes together!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Jumping Bean Train T-Shirt Gets it Right

Jumping Bean T -Kohl's
I feel a little extra joy every time I look at this t-shirt. Our little dude is extremely particular about what he wears. If he doesn't fall in love with the design on the shirt, forget it. If it has buttons on it, it's dead to him. Seriously. I was really excited when I found this shirt at Kohls because he loves the trains, and I love the great illustration. There's so much great shape, texture, and repetition. Lots of movement and a good use of the vertical space. The detail on the logs and the little trees have to be my favorites. Now not only do we have a shirt that he likes, but one that I love to look at. Well done Jumping Bean!

PS- Even better yet, it costs $6! (Looks like stock may be getting low)

Quiet Still

I recently took this great Skillshare class called Digital Illustration: Communicating with Color, Pattern, and Texture with Brad Woodard. I was actually really nervous to take the class. Seriously, I think I read the description a good 20 times mulling it over.  I am not an illustrator by any stretch of the imagination, but the topic seemed really neat, and promised to uncover some new techniques for me. I took the course despite being a bit freaked out...and if you've never taken a class through Skillshare, the price was right. And of course, I reminded myself to get over it...we're talking online learning here! Best $15 I've spent in a long time! Seriously, how can you beat that?!

Our project was to create an illustration for either the word loud or quiet. We started with important step that I always skip and shortcut. Then I got to this point on the left here and under normal circumstances, I probably would have stopped. I really was quite pleased. Luckily though, I got some great feedback and tutorials on how to keep pushing the project forward. If there's anything I've learned from the classes I've taken this year, it's to keep pushing designs, even if you think they're done.

I'm also signed up for Brad's Learn the In's and Outs of Illustrator class that's taking place right now (for only $25- what a steal). It's not too late to join in if you want to learn more about using Adobe Illustrator (honestly, it's four days in and I haven't started yet). If you do, I'd love to know so I can check out your project! :)

Hoping to put this piece up for sale soon, hopefully via digital download. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Create and Create Again

It's been quite around here lately. Not that life has been quiet, but I've been working on some things behind the scenes, and haven't really been posting.


I'm taking this blog in a bit of a new direction. I love sharing ideas about projects for tots and all the creative energy that goes into them; I will continue to share them too...but always seemed like such a small piece of the pie (yum!)

Instead, I'll be following more of a creative lifestyle route. (Because like most creative folks, I have a hard time focusing my energy all in one place). I want to blog about photography, graphic design, interior design, fashion, creativity,  and all those fun and playful things that inspire me every day. They're all so tightly interwoven, and I can't wait to share my creative journey!

Most of my energy lately has gone to designing and revising my brand. I recently launched phase 1 of my website. with it's brand spanking new logo. (Huge shout-out to Melanie and all the student's at Nicole's classes who helped me work thought my brand design in the Creating an Identity class!) I'm also working on this space here. I'm just getting started, but happy to start fresh!

Ok, enough about that! More brand spanking new content to follow.